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Chordoma Cells

Computer depiction of a blue and green human skeleton, showing the spine and muscles.

ATCC offers chordoma cell lines to help you develop treatments for this rare cancer

Chordoma is a rare, slow-growing cancer that can manifest along the spine anywhere from the clivus to the coccyx. Most chordomas arise spontaneously from remnants of the embryonic notochord. This cancer is difficult to treat and may recur in the same location after treatment. In nearly 40 percent of patients, chordoma will eventually metastasize to the lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and/or bone.

While chordoma seems to occur at random, there are genetic factors that contribute to risk of developing the disease. A high percentage of individuals with chordoma have a SNP in the sequence of the TBXT gene; this gene encodes the transcription factor T, or brachyury homologue, which is important in the development of the notochord and is highly expressed in the chordoma cells. Additionally, chordomas have been linked to duplications in the TBXT gene.

As research continues into the pathogenesis of chordoma, scientists need access to chordoma cells from a diverse pool of donors to test the efficacy of potential treatments.

ATCC, in partnership with the Chordoma Foundation, offers authenticated chordoma cell lines for research into the development of effective treatments and identifiable therapeutic targets for chordoma cancers. Additionally, pediatric chordoma cell lines representing the first in vitro progression model are now available. The foundation may offer financial assistance for the purchase of some of the cell lines available in the ATCC chordoma product list to encourage development of treatments. Each chordoma cell line is derived from a different donor and therefore multiple cell lines should be tested in order to ensure meaningful experimental results.


"Our partnership with ATCC has simplified and accelerated the way we get new chordoma cell lines to researchers. Their professional staff has demonstrated a high level of sensitivity to the quality control issues unique to our disease. By eliminating one of the key barriers standing in the way of medical progress – lack of valid cell lines – interest in and support for chordoma research is growing."

- Patty Cogswell, Chordoma Foundation

Resources for cancer research

Pipette containing pink media above culture wells containing media of various colors.

Culturing cells

The importance of cells in life science research cannot be overstated. From their vital role in vaccine development, biologics production, and microbial growth to their use as models in cancer research, drug discovery, and toxicology, human and animal cells have been essential for scientific progress. Explore our resources for expert tips and in-depth information on the best practices for reviving and maintaining cells in culture.

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Uncontrolled cancer cell growth.

The science of metastasis

As scientists, we are challenged to discover treatments for cancer patients. Learn more about the science behind cancer and the materials and standards we offer for cancer research.

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Chordoma Cells

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