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NGS Standards

Support each stage of your next-generation sequencing workflow

Standards for next-generation sequencing

The complexities associated with 16S rRNA community profiling and shotgun metagenomics methods have made assay standardization challenging. ATCC has the solution: next-generation sequencing (NGS) standards. Throughout each stage of your workflow, NGS standards enable you to optimize your diverse research applications with confidence and improve the consistency and reproducibility of your data run after run. These standards support a broad array of applications ranging from method optimization to data interpretation, and they serve as superior controls for assay development and validation on any platform. 

  • Whole cell and nucleic acid mixes
  • Even or staggered gDNA abundance
  • Low, medium, or high levels of complexity
  • 3 to 20 strains per mix
  • Variety of microbe mixes, including recombinant spike-in standards


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Use of NGS Standards throughout a next-generation sequencing workflow

Explore how NGS Standards can optimize your research

Various images of viruses and bacteria in different color and focus

Microbiome research

Although there is already a wealth of information on the human microbiome, much is still unknown. As analyses become more detailed, research will be challenged with burgeoning data sets and parsing information into meaningful insights through translational research. Discover how NGS Standards can help you optimize your metagenomic workflows and improve assay consistency. 

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Gloved hand holding well plate.

Molecular diagnostics

Molecular assays are powerful tools for the detection and identification of clinically relevant microbial pathogens. While these assays exhibit numerous benefits, they must be properly validated to guarantee accurate results and uncompromised data. Discover how NGS Standards can help you optimize your assay development process and improve the consistency of your data run after run.

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DNA rods with bacteria.

Reference-quality sequences

Through the ATCC Genome Portal, you can easily search, access, and analyze thousands of reference-quality genome sequences. Our optimized methodology is designed to achieve complete, circularized (when biologically appropriate), and contiguous genomic elements by using short-read (virology collection) and hybrid (bacteriology, mycology, and protistology collections) assembly techniques. We then take our workflow one step further by accompanying each stage of the process with rigorous quality control analyses that ensure the highest quality data. Only the data that passes all quality control criteria are published to the ATCC Genome Portal. Visit the portal today to find the high-quality data you need for your research.

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Check out our data

Closeup of purple virus spheres made up of long, iridescent spikes. Application note

Development and Evaluation of Next-generation Sequencing Standards for Virome Research

In this study, we describe the development and quality control of the ATCC virome standards and present application data demonstrating their use throughout the different stages of a typical virome analysis workflow.

Purple floating rods of  Escherichia coli bacteria. Application note

Use of Recombinant Bacteria with Unique Tags as Spike-in Controls for Microbiome Studies

In this application note, we describe the construction and application of ATCC Spike-in Standards as a tool for quantitative metagenomic analysis.

Purple rods of bumpy bacteria with teeth at the end. Poster

Authenticated Microbial Reference Genomes for Microbiome Analysis

This is a poster presented at World Microbe Forum 2021 that explores the generation of authenticated reference genomes for use in microbiome research workflows.
