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Fluorescent blue and green spheres of leukemic cells.

ATCC Webinar

Illuminate Immuno-oncology Research with THP-1 Luciferase Reporter Cell Lines Webinar

May 13, 2021, at 12:00 PM ET


Cancer immunotherapy has emerged as an exciting new approach for cancer treatment, and immuno-oncology is one of the fastest growing fields in oncology. The development of immunomodulatory drugs and biologics dictates a clear demand for human cell-based models to evaluate immune activation. To address this need, ATCC generated THP-1 luciferase reporter cell lines that contain the response elements of immune-regulated transcription factors such as NF-κB, GAS, CRE, and AP-1. With high sensitivity and specificity, these cell lines produce an intense, dose-dependent luciferase signal upon stimulation. This webinar will present data showing that THP-1 luciferase reporter cell lines are valuable tools for studying signal transduction pathways, screening of compounds to find activators or inhibitors of immune response, and evaluating the efficacy of new drugs and chemicals.

Key Points

  • THP-1 cell line is a commonly used surrogate model for in vitro human primary monocytes
  • Luciferase reporter system provides a straightforward, robust, and sensitive means to measure biological processes through in vitro bioluminescence measurements
  • THP-1 luciferase reporter cell lines allow broad application in drug development, cell signaling pathway research, and as a safety evaluation tool for new chemicals and drugs

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Brian Della Fera, headshot.

Brian Della Fera, BS

Biologist, ATCC

Brian is a Biologist at ATCC in the Translational Cell Biology division. He has extensive experience in the fields of molecular biology and immunology. His current role is creating cell lines and tools for broad applications in immuno-oncology. Brian holds a bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology from West Chester University of Pennsylvania.