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How Does ISO 17025 Accreditation Build International Confidence?

November 12, 2015, at 12:00 PM ET


We often speak of the global technical community in the abstract, but accreditation to ISO 17025 makes each accredited laboratory feel part of the practical everyday operation of that community. With our ever-growing science and technologies, manufactured and agricultural materials, telecommunications, internet, cyber-security, weapons, explosives, drugs, medicines, and our homeland security operations and interdiction testing, we need to have confidence that materials are sampled well, tested appropriately, and that their measurement tools are well calibrated. The oversight and coordination of all calibration and testing is standardized and managed as best as possible through ISO, through ILAC, and in the everyday, through labs accredited to ISO 17025.

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Bill Hirt, headshot.

Bill Hirt, PhD

Director of Accreditation, ANAB