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Bacillus spizizenii strain NRS 231 is a whole-genome sequenced bacterium with applications as a test microorganism for USP <2021>, <61>, <71>, and <81>.
Product category
Strain designation
NRS 231
Type strain
Genome sequenced strain
Former name
Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii
Food testing
Media testing
Quality control
Pharmaceutical testing
Product format
Storage conditions
2°C to 8°C
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Price: $288.00 EA
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ATCC determines the biosafety level of a material based on our risk assessment as guided by the current edition of Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is your responsibility to understand the hazards associated with the material per your organization’s policies and procedures as well as any other applicable regulations as enforced by your local or national agencies.

ATCC highly recommends that appropriate personal protective equipment is always used when handling vials. For cultures that require storage in liquid nitrogen, it is important to note that some vials may leak when submersed in liquid nitrogen and will slowly fill with liquid nitrogen. Upon thawing, the conversion of the liquid nitrogen back to its gas phase may result in the vial exploding or blowing off its cap with dangerous force creating flying debris. Unless necessary, ATCC recommends that these cultures be stored in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen rather than submersed in liquid nitrogen.

Detailed product information


Specific applications
Produces restriction endonuclease Bsu6633I RefShibata T, et al. Site-specific deoxyribonucleases in Bacillus subtilis and other Bacillus strains. J. Bacteriol. 128: 473-476, 1976. PubMed: 824277 RefIkawa S, et al. Genetic studies on site-specific endodeoxyribonucleases in Bacillus subtilis: multiple modification and restriction systems in transformants of Bacillus subtilis 168. Mol. Gen. Genet. 177: 359-368, 1980. PubMed: 6246395 RefRoberts RJ. Restriction and modification enzymes and their recognition sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 13: r165-r200, 1985. PubMed: 2987885
Quality control strain
Sporicidal test Ref Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Preservation of test organisms used for the determination of bactericidal, sporicidal and fungicidal activity. London, UK:British Standards Institution;British Standard BS EN 12353:2006. Ref Chemical disinfectants --- Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and intitutional areas --- Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1). London, UK:British Standards Institution;British Standard BS EN 13704:2002. Ref Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics --- Basic sporicidal activity --- Test method and requirements (phase 1, step 1). London, UK:British Standards Institution;British Standard BS EN 14347:2005. Ref Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics --- Application of European Standards for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. London, UK:British Standards Institution;British Standard BS EN 14885:2006.
Food testing
Pharmaceutical and Personal Care
Assay of streptomycin RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997 RefAOAC International Antibiotics in feeds, microbiological methods. Gaithersburg, MD:AOAC International;AOAC "Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International" 957.23. RefFrerichs GN, Chandler MD. The identification and assay of antibiotics in live virus vaccines by electrophoresis in gel. J. Biol. Stand. 10: 205-211, 1982. PubMed: 6813333 RefSimon HJ, Yin EJ. Microbioassay of antimicrobial agents. Appl. Microbiol. 19: 573-579, 1970. PubMed: 4986725
Assay of streptonigrin RefPittillo RF, Woolley C. Biological assay of streptonigrin (NSC 45383) in body fluids and tissues of mice. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 5: 82-85, 1974. PubMed: 4209070
Assay of tobramycin RefBritish Pharmacopoeia Commission Biological assay of antibiotics. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XIV A, 2003 RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997 RefLightbown JW, Dixon H. The first international reference preparation of tobramycin. J. Biol. Stand. 10: 157-168, 1982. PubMed: 7096362
Assay of vancomycin RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997 RefU.S. Pharmacopeia General Chapters; <81> Antibiotics-Microbial Assays. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeia; USP USP34-NF29, 2011
Control strain Ref Methodology for the Serum Bactericidal test: Approved Guideline. Wayne, PA. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; CLSI M21-A. Ref Methods for Determining Bactericidal Activity of Antimicrobial Agents; Approved Guideline. Wayne, PA. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; CLSI M26-A. Ref Medical microbiology; methods for the determination of susceptibility of pathogens (except mycobacteria) to antimicrobial agents: carrier of agents for agar diffusion test. Berlin, Germany:Deutsches Institut fur Normung;DIN DIN 58940-2. Ref Methods for the determination of susceptibility of pathogenic bacteria (without mycobacteria) to chemotherapeutic agents of discs for agar diffusion test example for getting the standard curve. Berlin, Germany:Deutsches Institut fur Normung;DIN DIN 58940-2 Beiblatt 1.
Media testing RefBritish Pharmacopoeia Commission Tests for microbial contamination. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XVI B, 2003 RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbial contamination of products not required to comply with the test for sterility (total viable aerobic count). Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.6.12, 1997 RefUS Food & Drug Administration. GENERAL BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS STANDARDS; General Provisions; Sterility Code of Federal Regulations Title 21: 21CFR610.12, Subpart B, 2005 RefU.S. Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplement Chapters: <2021> Microbial Enumeration Tests-Nutritional and Dietary Supplements. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeia; USP USP34-NF29, 2011 Ref Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs--Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media-- Part 2: Practical guidelines on performance testing of culture media.. Geneva (Switzerland):International Organization for Standardization/ANSI;ISO ISO 11133-2:2003. Ref Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs --- Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media --- Part 2: Practical guidelines on performance testing of culture media - Annex B: Recommended test microorganisms for commonly used culture media. London, UK:British Standards Institution;British Standard DD CEN ISO/TS 11133:2003.
Membrane filter testing Ref Standard Test Method for Confirming the Sterility of Membrane Filters. West Conshohocken, PA:ASTM International;ASTM Standard Test Method D 4196-05.
Assay of amoxicillin RefLode H, et al. Comparative clinical pharmacology of three ampicillins and amoxicillin administered orally. J. Infect. Dis. 129: S156-S168, 1974. PubMed: 4834960
Assay of bekanamycin aminodeoxykanamycin, kanamycin B, kanendomycin
Assay of capreomycin sulfate capreomycin, capromycin RefBritish Pharmacopoeia Commission Biological assay of antibiotics. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XIV A, 2003
Assay of colistimethate sodium RefU.S. Pharmacopeia General Chapters; <81> Antibiotics-Microbial Assays. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeia; USP USP34-NF29, 2011
Assay of colistin colimycin RefU.S. Pharmacopeia General Chapters; <81> Antibiotics-Microbial Assays. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeia; USP USP34-NF29, 2011
Assay of dactinomycin actinomycin, actinomycin D
Assay of dihydrostreptomycin sulfate dihydrostreptomycin RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997 RefU.S. Pharmacopeia General Chapters: <71> STERILITY TESTS. Rockville, MD:U.S. Pharmacopeia;USP USP34-NF29, 2011 RefU.S. Pharmacopeia General Chapters; <81> Antibiotics-Microbial Assays. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeia; USP USP34-NF29, 2011
Assay of erythromycin RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997
Assay of framycetin RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997
Assay of gentamicins gentamicin RefFrerichs GN, Chandler MD. The identification and assay of antibiotics in live virus vaccines by electrophoresis in gel. J. Biol. Stand. 10: 205-211, 1982. PubMed: 6813333
Assay of hygromycin B RefAOAC International Antibiotics in feeds, microbiological methods. Gaithersburg, MD:AOAC International;AOAC "Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International" 957.23.
Assay of kanamycin RefBritish Pharmacopoeia Commission Biological assay of antibiotics. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XIV A, 2003 RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997 RefFrerichs GN, Chandler MD. The identification and assay of antibiotics in live virus vaccines by electrophoresis in gel. J. Biol. Stand. 10: 205-211, 1982. PubMed: 6813333 RefSimon HJ, Yin EJ. Microbioassay of antimicrobial agents. Appl. Microbiol. 19: 573-579, 1970. PubMed: 4986725
Assay of lactam antibiotics beta-lactam antibiotics
Assay of lasalocid X-537A, lasalocid A
Assay of mitomycin mitomycin C
Assay of monensin RefAOAC International Monensin in feeds, microbiological method. Gaithersburg, MD:AOAC International;AOAC "Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International" 972.56. RefAOAC International Antibiotics in feeds, microbiological methods. Gaithersburg, MD:AOAC International;AOAC "Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International" 957.23.
Assay of neomycin RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997 RefFrerichs GN, Chandler MD. The identification and assay of antibiotics in live virus vaccines by electrophoresis in gel. J. Biol. Stand. 10: 205-211, 1982. PubMed: 6813333 RefSimon HJ, Yin EJ. Microbioassay of antimicrobial agents. Appl. Microbiol. 19: 573-579, 1970. PubMed: 4986725
Assay of penicillin RefFrerichs GN, Chandler MD. The identification and assay of antibiotics in live virus vaccines by electrophoresis in gel. J. Biol. Stand. 10: 205-211, 1982. PubMed: 6813333
Assay of polymyxin B RefU.S. Pharmacopeia General Chapters; <81> Antibiotics-Microbial Assays. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeia; USP USP34-NF29, 2011
Assay of spiramycin RefBritish Pharmacopoeia Commission Biological assay of antibiotics. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XIV A, 2003 RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997
Sterility testing RefBritish Pharmacopoeia Commission Test for sterility. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XVI A, 2003 RefEuropean Pharmacopoeia Commission Sterility. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.6.1, 1997 RefU.S. Pharmacopeia General Chapters: <71> STERILITY TESTS. Rockville, MD:U.S. Pharmacopeia;USP USP34-NF29, 2011 RefBowman FW, et al. Collaborative study of aerobic media for sterility testing by membrane filtration. J. Pharm. Sci. 60: 1087-1088, 1971. PubMed: 5000479 Ref Supplemental assay method for testing for preservative interference with sterility tests. :US Department of Agriculture;USDA, Center for Veterinary Biologics STSAM0903.01, 1999 Ref Sterility test, Growth promotion test. Tokyo, Japan:Japanese Pharmacopoeia;JP JP14e.part I.54. Ref Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments--Biocontamination control--Part 1: General principles and methods. Geneva (Switzerland):International Organization for Standardization/ANSI;ISO ISO 14698-1:2003.
Susceptibility testing RefMedical microbiology - Susceptibility testing of pathogens to antimicrobial agents - Part 2: Active substance carriers for the agar diffusion test; Carrier loads and values required for drawing a standard curve. Berlin, Germany: Deutsches Institut fur Normung; DIN 58940-2 Beiblatt 2: 2002
Testing Ref Microbial limit test. Tokyo, Japan:Japanese Pharmacopoeia;JP Jp14e.part I.35. Ref Microbial limit test for crude drugs. Tokyo, Japan:Japanese Pharmacopoeia;JP JP14e.part I.36.
Testing antibacterial activity Ref Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics --- Surgical hand disinfection --- Test method and requirement (phase 2/step 2). London, UK:British Standards Institution;British Standard BS EN 12791:2005.
Testing bactericides
Validation control Ref Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments --- Biocontamination control --- Part 1: General principles and methods. London, UK:British Standards Institution;British Standard BS EN ISO 14698:2003.
Growth promotion testing
Bioburden testing
Environmental monitoring
Microbial limit testing
Rabbit pyrogen testing
Bacterial endotoxin testing
Antibiotic assay
Potency testing
Recommended as a test microorganism for EP 2.6.1 Sterility
Recommended as a test microorganism for EP 2.6.12 Microbial Examination of Non-Sterile Products: Microbial Enumeration Tests
Recommended as a test microorganism for EP 2.6.27 Microbiological Control of Cellular Products
Recommended as a test microorganism for EP 2.6.31 Microbiological Examination of Herbal Medicinal Products for Oral Use
Recommended as a test microorganism for EP 2.7.2 Microbiological Assays of Antibiotics
Recommended as a test microorganism for EP Monographs
Recommended as a test microorganism for JP 16 4.05 I Microbiological Examination of Non-sterile Products: Total Viable Aerobic Count
Recommended as a test microorganism for JP 16 4.06 Sterility Test
Recommended as a test microorganism for JP 16 5.02 Microbial Limit Test for Crude Drugs
Recommended as a test microorganism for JP 16 Monographs
Recommended as a test microorganism for USP <2021> Microbial Enumeration Tests
Recommended as a test microorganism for USP <61> Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products: Microbial Enumeration Tests
Recommended as a test microorganism for USP <71> Sterility Tests
Recommended as a test microorganism for USP <81> Antibiotics-Microbial Assays
Recommended as a test microorganism for AENOR UNE EN 1104: Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of the transfer of antimicrobial constituents





CA Dunlap et al. reclassified Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii into the new species Bacillus spizizenii.  Some platforms and databases may still identify this species by its previous name.

Handling information

Using a shaking incubator improves growth
Handling procedure
  1. Open vial.
  2. Using a single tube of #44 broth (5 to 6 mL), withdraw approximately 0.5 to 1.0 mL with a Pasteur or 1.0 mL pipette. Rehydrate the entire pellet.
  3. Aseptically transfer this aliquot back into the broth tube. Mix well.
  4. Use several drops of the suspension to inoculate a #44 agar slant and/or plate.
  5. Incubate the tubes and plate at 30°C for 24 hours.
Handling notes

CA Dunlap et al. reclassified Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii into the new species Bacillus spizizenii.  Some platforms and databases may still identify this species by its previous name.

Additional information on this culture is available on the ATCC® web site at

Quality control specifications

Verification method
Whole-genome Sequencing


Deposited as
Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn
NR Smith
Cross references
GenBank M38634 B.subitilis cellulase gene, 5' end, clone pBAG10.
GenBank J03767 B.subtilin spaS gene encoding subtilin, complete cds.
GenBank L07785 Bacillus subtilis spaR and spaK genes, complete coding regions.
GenBank M83944 Bacillus subtilis subtilin (spaD, spaB, spaC, spaS) genes, complete cds.
GenBank AB018486 Bacillus subtilis gene for 16S rRNA, partial sequence, strain:ATCC 6633.
GenBank AF004102 Bacillus subtilis strain ATCC 6633 thymidylate synthase (thyA) gene, partial cds.
GenBank J03294 Bacillus subtilis thioredoxin (trx), uvrB and aspartokinase II genes, complete cds.
GenBank L24075 Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) spaB gene involved in subtilin biosynthesis, complete cds.
GenBank M99263 Bacillus subtilis operon encoding spaB, spaC, spaD, spaE and spaS genes, complete cds's; ORF, complete cds.
GenBank U38418 Bacillus subtilis chimeric proU operon, proV, proW, proX and proZ genes, complete cds, and spaE gene, partial cds.
GenBank U09819 Bacillus subtilis spaB, spaT, spaC, subtilin (spaS), spaI, spaF, spaE, spaG, spaR spaK and YvaN genes, complete cds.
GenBank M86869 Bacillus subtilis spaB gene, 3' end; spaT gene, complete cds; spaC gene, complete cds; subtilin (spaS) gene, putative cds.

Legal disclaimers

Intended use
This product is intended for laboratory research use only. It is not intended for any animal or human therapeutic use, any human or animal consumption, or any diagnostic use.

The product is provided 'AS IS' and the viability of ATCC® products is warranted for 30 days from the date of shipment, provided that the customer has stored and handled the product according to the information included on the product information sheet, website, and Certificate of Analysis. For living cultures, ATCC lists the media formulation and reagents that have been found to be effective for the product. While other unspecified media and reagents may also produce satisfactory results, a change in the ATCC and/or depositor-recommended protocols may affect the recovery, growth, and/or function of the product. If an alternative medium formulation or reagent is used, the ATCC warranty for viability is no longer valid.  Except as expressly set forth herein, no other warranties of any kind are provided, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, manufacture according to cGMP standards, typicality, safety, accuracy, and/or noninfringement.


This product is intended for laboratory research use only. It is not intended for any animal or human therapeutic use, any human or animal consumption, or any diagnostic use. Any proposed commercial use is prohibited without a license from ATCC.

While ATCC uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this product sheet, ATCC makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Citations from scientific literature and patents are provided for informational purposes only. ATCC does not warrant that such information has been confirmed to be accurate or complete and the customer bears the sole responsibility of confirming the accuracy and completeness of any such information.

This product is sent on the condition that the customer is responsible for and assumes all risk and responsibility in connection with the receipt, handling, storage, disposal, and use of the ATCC product including without limitation taking all appropriate safety and handling precautions to minimize health or environmental risk. As a condition of receiving the material, the customer agrees that any activity undertaken with the ATCC product and any progeny or modifications will be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines. This product is provided 'AS IS' with no representations or warranties whatsoever except as expressly set forth herein and in no event shall ATCC, its parents, subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents, employees, assigns, successors, and affiliates be liable for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind in connection with or arising out of the customer's use of the product. While reasonable effort is made to ensure authenticity and reliability of materials on deposit, ATCC is not liable for damages arising from the misidentification or misrepresentation of such materials.

Please see the material transfer agreement (MTA) for further details regarding the use of this product. The MTA is available at

Permits & Restrictions

Import Permit for the State of Hawaii

If shipping to the U.S. state of Hawaii, you must provide either an import permit or documentation stating that an import permit is not required. We cannot ship this item until we receive this documentation. Contact the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA), Plant Industry Division, Plant Quarantine Branch to determine if an import permit is required.


Frequently Asked Questions


Curated Citations

Waleh NS, Ingraham JL. Pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphokinase and the mode of RNA turnover in Bacillus subtilis. Arch. Microbiol. 110: 49-54, 1976. PubMed: 189719

Shibata T, et al. Site-specific deoxyribonucleases in Bacillus subtilis and other Bacillus strains. J. Bacteriol. 128: 473-476, 1976. PubMed: 824277

Ikawa S, et al. Genetic studies on site-specific endodeoxyribonucleases in Bacillus subtilis: multiple modification and restriction systems in transformants of Bacillus subtilis 168. Mol. Gen. Genet. 177: 359-368, 1980. PubMed: 6246395

The genus Bacillus, Agriculture Handbook 427. Washington, DC: ARS/USDA; 1973.

British Pharmacopoeia Commission Biological assay of antibiotics. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XIV A, 2003

View All Curated Citations for this Product

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